e twinning

Rok szkolny 2013/2014

Fairytales, tales and stories - what kids like the most. Every country has got it's own hero. I invite you to present the most popular fairytale hero in your country. His or her adventures, expeditions and friends. How does he/she look like? Let's have fun together!

I am 3: R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (Raise Engage Save Protect Esteem Care Trust) - R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is an educational Partnership aims to encourage the children to engage in learning about and protect the environment; to apply the knowledge in their own lives; to raise awareness towards the world we live in. The activities of this project will provide opportunities for all children, SEN students included, to work on various topics and at different levels of education related to the environmental issues. The pupils will be encouraged to explore the natural world of their local environment, to observe animals, plants and natural materials, to start wondering about their ”discoveries”, to make connections and to apply their knowledge and skills in creative ways, in the real world context. Through this project pupils will express and share their experiences with nature, the skills and knowledge they have acquired, through many types of communication and celebration with other eTwinning students. ICT will be used for supporting and motivating learning, also for collaborating and presenting the activities of the project

Opracowała Agnieszka Tyka

Rok szkolny 2012/2013

"I am 2: in search of our historical identity ..." - nasi europejscy partnerzy zaprosili nas do kolejnego projektu, który realizowany jest jednoczeÅ›nie w 12 krajach UE.

Projekt ma promować integracjÄ™ kulturowej miÄ™dzy dziećmi z różnych grup etnicznych. Chcemy wymienić siÄ™ informacjami, wiadomoÅ›ciami o różnorodnoÅ›ci etnicznej i kulturowej jako bogactwa narodowego danego kraju.

Program obejmuje rozwój historyczny, spoÅ‚eczny, geograficzny, antropologiczny, muzyczny, naukowy, jÄ™zykowy odkrycia siebie i swoich korzeni kulturowych w czasie. Projekt skierowany jest do dzieci w wieku 3-7lat